Getting to Campus

GPS coordinates: 1912 West Club Blvd.

Technically, our school address is 1219 Broad Street, Durham, NC. But if you are using a navigational device, the address "1912 West Club Boulevard" will direct you to our main parking lot off of West Club Boulevard (see below) and the visitor entrance, where you can check in at the front desk. Download campus map.

NCSSM-Durham Parking Guide

All visitors are asked to park in the main lot parallel with West Club Boulevard, with easy access to Bryan Center (visitor entrance) as well as the ETC Auditorium. On the map, it is labeled Public Parking.

Check-in at Bryan Entrance

Students in the online program should come to the Bryan Entrance, which is a glass-block structure visible when you enter the main parking area. There are two sets of double doors, after which you will see a reception area where you can check in.

More information about visiting the Durham campus is available on our main school website.

Bryan Entrance

Campus Map

Parking and Entrance